Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Damocles sword...

For every burden we have...remember that God always offer His mighty arms to always lift us up. Like the story of Damocles...who had once wished to live like Dionysius, at first enjoying it immensely... until he noticed a sharp sword hovering over his head, that was suspended from the ceiling by a horse hair. This, was what life as ruler was really like. He then prefered to live the simple way of life like that of the poorer.

Something foolproof...

Suddenly it just came to my mind to create this blog...something unfailing...this song of GV has become an inspiration that pushes me and urges me so much to once more create a blog separately. As human we are liable to slide of course, but I do believe that somewhere in our own hearts...there's a lamp that should be kept incensed...a little lamp from which we draw strength...some rays of hope lies...and sprung goodness, no matter what. I do believe that there's no person too bad...nobody can be just as bad. As a person I've kept my faith privy and I do believe only God knows the colors of our hearts.